Success Story – Tag der Sachsen connects

5. October 2023 VARIA

On the first weekend of September Tag der Sachsen took place for the 29th time. Where numerous guests were able to experience the hospitality of the Ore Mountains according to the motto “Welcome to the shaft”. There was an unusual and varied program, which took place on different stages. This required reliable connectivity that could withstand the demands of such a large event as the Tag der Sachsen. Servernetz TK UG has taken on this challenging task.

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10. October 2019 VARIA
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA wurde 1952 mit dem Ziel gegründet, die Kommunikation zu verbessern. Heute ist das Unternehmen international als führender Anbieter der innovativsten und leistungsstärksten Lösungen für Mikrowellenfunk und drahtlose Netzwerke bekannt. Die Ausrüstung von SIAE MICROELETTRONICA ermöglicht es Millionen von Menschen in über 80 Ländern, täglich weltweit zu kommunizieren. Als [...]
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Ubiquiti – new firmware for AF-5XHD released

12. July 2018 Ubiquiti / VARIA
The new firmware for AF-5XHD has been completed and both sales and delivery by UBIQUITI can now continue. Ubiquiti stopped selling the devices on April 6, 2018, citing a delay in completing an important firmware update as the reason. If you are already using devices of the AF-5XHD, check the [...]
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SIKLU: 60, 80 GHz radio link alternatives

5. February 2016 VARIA
Before the developments in Siklus, millimeter wave frequencies resembled a trip to Antarctica - very few made it to their destination and those who made it paid a high price for it. The introduction of Siklus all-silicon radio technology, however, meant the revolution: prices could be reduced by 90% and [...]
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